Booth #5710
Media Contact: Drive Clean Indiana – GOEVIN
Danielle Hayes, Program Specialist
For Immediate Release: February 28, 2024
Electrifying the Crossroads of America: Drive Clean Indiana Promotes GOEVIN
Drive Clean Indiana is proud to be able to promote the GOEVIN project. GO Electric Vehicle INdiana (GOEVIN) is a collaborative, statewide initiative dedicated to advancing the adoption of electric vehicles (EV) across the state. The GOEVIN Team is composed of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), the Indiana Utility Group (IUG), and Drive Clean Indiana(DCI). GOEVIN aims to raise consumer awareness of electric vehicles (EVs) by providing unbiased, educational information on the benefits of driving EVs in the Hoosier State.

Through the Indiana Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust program and as part of the GOEVIN initiative, the collaborative efforts of IDEM, DCI, and our IUG partners are building the foundation for the deployment of 61 Direct Current Fast Chargers (DCFC) locations along Indiana’s major highway routes. The GOEVIN DCFC chargers will be publicly available and located no more than one mile from highway exits. All these GOEVIN branded fast chargers will be fully installed and operational to the public by the Summer of 2024.
IDEM and DCI take great pride in the partnerships built with GOEVIN. These partnerships have gained some clear advantages; competitive pricing of EV charging hardware and software, best practices in successful implementation of projects, and a collaborative network to address the inevitable challenges that exist in any new venture.
As the Crossroads of America, it is important for Indiana to lead the charge on EV infrastructure for all Hoosiers, as well as those that travel through the Crossroads of America. It is equally important for Indiana to do its level-best to provide meaningful and unbiased education to future EV drivers and those interested in becoming EV drivers, dispelling the various myths surrounding EV and EV infrastructure.
Want to learn more about this statewide initiative and its progress?
Contact the GOEVIN team: (219)644-3690 | info@drivecleanindiana.org

About Drive Clean Indiana: Drive Clean Indiana is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization managed by Legacy Environmental Services, Inc., an Indiana Certified Women’s Business Enterprise. Designated as the 71st Clean Cities coalition on June 15, 1999, Drive Clean Indiana is one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s more than 75 Clean Cities coalitions and is the only Clean Cities coalition in the state of Indiana. The organizations support the nation’s energy and economic security by building partnerships to advance affordable domestic transportation fuels, energy efficient mobility systems and other fuel-saving technologies and practices.
The coalitions achieve this in a number of ways, including the advancement of alternative fuels, alternative fuel vehicles and sustainable vehicle technologies such as electric vehicles and their charging infrastructure. The efforts reduce the nation’s dependence on imported oil, improve air quality, support local jobs, drive economic development and promote improved quality of life.
Learn more at www.drivecleanindiana.org