Indiana Office of Energy Development Slates December 11 Webinar on Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
The Indiana Office of Energy Development (OED) on November 15 announced a grant opportunity to fund efforts to increase energy efficiency and conservation for units of local governments via a federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant. Funds will target energy planning, energy audits and building upgrades, and electric transportation for communities.
Applications are now open and the OED is offering a webinar for interested applicants.
Funding for this opportunity is available only to counties and municipalities in Indiana that were not allocated EECBG formula funds directly from the U.S. Department of Energy.
The webinar is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, from 11 am — 12 pm (Noon). The webinar objective is to review the state program for applicants interested in submitting an application.
Please click HERE to register for the webinar
NOTE: Updates to the EECBG guidance are also being distributed with this announcement. Be sure to check out the attached clarification announcement on eligibility and the OED webpage for a new FAQ document. The clarification announcement is also included in an updated application package online.
Questions may be submitted to grants@oed.in.gov in advance of the meeting.